Guide for the dummies on how to integrate markup for product pages in EStore

A Schema Data Markup (also known as Microdata) is a standardised format of marking a webpages’s data to facilitate search engine’s crawlers to create rich snippets on SERP.

When we classify and tag the information of a Product Page using, it enhances user experience as a user can easily get a quick sneak peak into the respective product. Such that, highly informative snippets (created with schema microdata) increase the Click – Through – Rate of a product page.

To get started with the a structured data markup of a product page, just follow these simple steps.


  1. Visit the following link. 
  2. Select the category to which your web page belongs. Remember, you should select the Product category only while marking your product pages.
  3. Once you have selected the category and added the URL/HTML code of your product page, you will be redirected to a page where you can tag and mark the data. 
  4. Begin by selecting the name of your product. Select the name, right click and tag it as Name
  5. You can easily track the tagged data in the right pane. Further, tag other data like Image, description, Brand Name, Aggregate Rating, Reviews etc. by following the same method – Select -Right Click – Tag. 
  6. All your tagged data will show up in its respective categories in the right pane. 
  7. Once, finished with tagging, click on Create HTML to access the schema microdata code. 
  8. You will be able to see the microdata code in the highlighted form. 
  9. Click the Download button to access the file. At last, with the help of an expert web developer you can add the schema microdata code to the HTML code of your product page
  10. You can also make use of other tools like – Structured Data Testing Tool by visiting the following link –

    This tool will help you in testing your microdata by suggesting errors (if any) present in it. In the absence of any error, it will validate your microdata. 

  11. You will have to enter the URL of the respective Product Page and start testing. 
  12. The errors will be shown highlighted in red. Your web developer will have to perform the corrections accordingly 
Category : Advanced SEO
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